Oil & Gas Industry Spills | Legal Advice | Crisis Management Lawyers
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Oil and Gas

Pillsbury’s Crisis Management Team is experienced with advising energy companies on crisis liability management. Our team has represented virtually every major oil company in the industry, and we have advised clients on more than 100 oil spills. We recently advised a 10% leaseholder of the Macondo well on a billion dollar settlement related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Our lawyers also played leading roles related to the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, the Berman spill in Puerto Rico and the Arco Pipeline spill in Indiana. 

Our team advises energy clients, including refineries, midstream, and exploration and production companies, on a wide range of environmental, health and safety issues, including internal investigations and crisis response. One of our attorneys was a lead partner supporting the work of the BP U.S. Refineries Independent Safety Review Panel, which investigated corporate safety culture and oversight at BP's North American refineries on behalf of an independent panel of experts chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III.